As you may have gathered from the rather desperate plea below to Mr Savile, I have been approaching the start of the new academic year with enormous trepidation. Indeed, there is nothing like having 4 months of your own free time given back to you to remind you what it is like to lead a normal life again…
Dear Jim
Dear Jim, Please, please, please will you fix it for me to receive a first class masters dissertation relating to the subject ‘regeneration’ and have really clever academic type people (you know the ones – beards and really smelly breath) to write my assignments for me too. You see tomorrow Jim I start back at…
I think, therefore I am
Do you ever find that random thoughts just pop into you head quite unexpectedly and take you by surprise? This appears to be happening to me with increasing frequency and in the most unlikely of places. For example, on Monday when I was loading the dishwasher, the name ‘Dean Gaffney’ flashed across my brain. Having no idea of who…
A promised post
Iain: “This is probably going to end up on your blog isn’t it”. Yep. Today Iain celebrated managing to survive two whole summers with us in ‘Planning Policy’ which, along with all of the obvious benefits of gaining solid work experience, has been useful in providing further confirmation that upon leaving University, Iain does not wish to pursue a Planning career….
I am a bit of a fan of the English weather in that it appears strictly independent of anything else dictating the time of year. Last week, despite being mid September with kids already back at school and Halloween costumes decorating the window at Woolies, it was most definitely summer still, and one could stroll out quite happily without a…
Wedding of the Year
As mentioned in my last post, Neil and I were fortunate enough to attended ‘Wedding of the Year 2007′ at the weekend, as Gary and Marie-Claire became lawfully responsible for each other. Admittedly Marie-Claire did look the most nervous at this prospect, but having seen Gary’s outlandish antics (including diving on the lawn in front of the Greek…
A Friday post
Aaaah! Today I am suffering from writers block, Possibly tiredness or worrying about my wedding frock, You see tomorrow two friends are tying the knot, And I’ve got the outfit, the shoes, but not the right undergarment that won’t peep above my clothes – Just have to pop to M&S I suppose. Looking forward though to…
Pain in the tum
I woke up this morning quite uncomfortable and a little disgruntled that my body was misbehaving and stomach cramps seemed to have taken me over. It’s not often that my insides are disobedient so I always try to show some sympathy and pander to their every need as I am rendered largely useless without their proper functioning. At 6:07 this…
Thinking about boxes
When I was younger, nothing delighted me more than receiving a parcel of ‘making things’ for a Birthday or for Christmas. Such a parcel would normally contain an essential packet of felt tips, some string, a small Pritstick, possibly some kiddy scissors, and most excitingly – my own roll of Sellotape (something that was given…
Food for thought
It is a truth universally aknowledged that things generally become more obvious when they are pointed out to you. I say this as I sit here feeling quite virtuous drinking my ‘No added sugar, contains 10% real fruit’ tropical squash, delighted at the fact that the little colour chart on the bottle contains only green…