It’s now seven weeks into the build and we are all absolutely exhausted. Yes, of course, the prospect of living in an environment infinitely nicer than our previous one, particularly minus the anaglypta wallpaper and omnipresent smell of granny (think carpet underlay) is very exciting – but the process of achieving a vision of semi-detached perfection…
Category: Grumbles
Benevolent Economics
I am becoming quite intent on finding a way to sterilise our letter box. Along with the traditional array of leaflets offering to deliver us pizza, sell our house, steam clean our interiors, and more recently and most curiously, offer instructions on ‘how to use a bus’, it has given birth to no less than…
It’s a waiting game
Currently on the list: News of visas Destination of potential far flung adventure Purchase of the ‘New Palace’ Start dates for the money making work For reversible jumpers to make a come back Invitation to Royal Wedding I can only assume it was lost in the post. My patience is severely being tested. All things…
404 Error: The person you requested was not found
There is nothing like having a busy head to make you feel completely useless. In the past week I have managed to fall on butt twice from not looking where I was going (one instance I was particularly grateful for being female as it involved a bollard), I have almost driven all the way home without remembering to turn my lights on,…
Cold Christmas
This week I got a cold. Quite disappointing seeing that I had been doing so well up until now, avoiding anyone with a sniffle or a sneeze, taking my pre/probiotic omega 3 packed multi vitamin ultra sonic make-you-go-faster-or-your-money-back drink religiously every morning, I have been eating all of the vegetables that have been put on…
Sticky Stuff
Seven days seems like a long time having not put fingers to keyboard here and I’ve missed it. Indeed, it has just been one of those most irritating sort of weeks where there has always been something demanding my immediate attention – leaving me absolutely no provision for carrying out any essential maintenance tasks such as eyebrow sculpting, moisturising elbows or engaging in full body exfoliation (my plan is…
And sew I am
Man I’m tired, although to be fair it is my fault! Last night, after quite a busy weekend, I sat down and attempted to produce some cushions for our newly decorated master suite and guest quarters with some left over curtain fabric I had. Being tired anyway, I managed to cut the material wonky, pricked…
Dear Jim
Dear Jim, Please, please, please will you fix it for me to receive a first class masters dissertation relating to the subject ‘regeneration’ and have really clever academic type people (you know the ones – beards and really smelly breath) to write my assignments for me too. You see tomorrow Jim I start back at…
Faking it
I am avid subscriber to the ‘Magazine’ Section of the BBC news website which read every morning (accompanied by the mandatory cup of tea), provides a useful kick start to the grey matter – knocking me out of the daze that so I often arrive to the office in. Yesterday I came across an article…
Shop – Shape
I have committed to virtual paper in the past my general dislike of clothes shopping, which (for if you were fortunate enough to have missed that blog on Aimstation) stems largely from a lack of patience of large crowded stores, unflattering changing room lights and shop assistants that have more interest in telling their colleague ‘how much Julie lost on the…