I’m sure I must have written about this field before. This is “my” field (if only), a five minute walk from my house, my head space, exam revision destination, where I come when I want to scream into a pillow, a brilliant place for sledging, dog walking, skipping, rolling down hills, and as is often…
For Sale
You know when everything gets a bit crazy, and for 5 minutes you just need to seek sanctuary in something completely mindless and mentally re-group? Yeah, so, as much as I hate mobile phones, and how relentlessly humans are bound to these anti-social black rectangles; I am also fickle and weak, and my new favourite…
The Good Day Chart
The Small One sat down one day and drew lots of boxes on a piece of paper: Me:”What’s that darling?” TSO: “a Good Day Chart Mummy” Me: “So how does that work then?” TSO: “At the end of the day you put a tick in the box if it’s been a good day, and a…
The Pearl
In 2004 I ordered a CD from Amazon, and was sent the wrong one, but as it’s music (AND free), there clearly would have been something wrong with me had I not listened to it. Love it. ‘The way we are’ is the album, by a sort of grungey/alt rock duo called ‘Fleming and John’,…
Castle on the Hill
Love really is responsible for some pretty cool things. Pictured is Wilder’s Folly, or ‘Pigeon Tower’ as it’s also known locally (which is far too utilitarian a name in my view, given its romantic intentions), and was built by Rev Henry Wilder when he fell in love with Joan Thoyts, a local girl from Sulhamstead….
The 3am you
Except the watershed for my ‘reveal all’ seems to happen at roughly 11pm. For some reason, this is when my brain ponders the wonders of the universe, and I end up having my most deep and meaningful conversations. It’s something to do with night and the dark, which I think almost gives you the cover…
You don’t always pay for what you get
Annoyingly, I have always been allergic to whichever metal it is they use to make the backs of watches. My skin swells up in red, nobbly, itchy, bumps which are very unpleasant, as am I (I imagine), until the irritation passes. So I largely gave up on the exercise of wearing a timepiece, which again,…
Oh Amazon, how well you know me!
Sponsored brand ads are often the first thing customers see on the search results page. A sponsored brand ad appears above, on the side, or between search results. As a result of the stochastic nature of these ads, customers are more likely to discover you. When effectively utilized, you can capture new audiences. Excellent use…
Earth day
Behind with so much already this week, but this was/is my nod to ‘Earth Day’. Which was in fact yesterday. I’ve been getting quite irritated with plastic more recently, and properly wince every time I have to throw some away. Horrible. So one thing that has changed are sandwiches in brown paper bags, not the…